Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spiritual J and the Bunny

For years, I've had this sense that I'm standing at the door of real faith. But even though God has opened the door many times, or, rather, opened the door wider, I often stand, frozen at the threshold. 

Other times I've skipped right through the door, merrily singing my little God tune, delighted by how good it feels once I'm in there. I worry less, have a lighter heart, and then, back out the door I run. 

What could be so scary is beyond me, yet there I am, hopping in and out and hoping God will just yank me through and sit me down. God, being a gentleman, has yet to do so.

I have a friend who is deeply spiritual. For the sake of her privacy, let's call her Spiritual J. She is one of the women I spend time with every fall in a cabin in northern Michigan. 

Spiritual J believes - openly, voraciously, enthusiastically believes. She calls God "Papa," and when something baffles her, she asks Papa for help. Sometimes she sees things that don't exist in this realm - fascinating creatures, colors, and things that can't be explained, and when that happens, Spiritual J asks, "Papa, what is that?" 

To anyone who might think Spiritual J has a screw loose, let me just say that, as far as I can tell, she is perfectly lucid, rock-steady, and grounded in reality. The only exceptions to that rule that I'm aware of are when we're "Up North," whipping up drinks in the blender. There's not a lot to talk about in that cabin for four days at a stretch except for drinks to whip up in the blender - and food, family, euchre, work, pets, and faith. Actually, there is a lot to talk about. 

It didn't take long for Spiritual J to peg me as an agnostic, standing outside in my manufactured snow, wanting to come in from the cold. She started smiling at me more, with her big, summery, smile, the kind of smile that could only manifest itself on the face of someone who calls God "Papa."

Spiritual J is someone who makes me think of the word anointed every time I look at her. One of the women who spends time with us in the cabin said it really does help what hurts when Spiritual J lays hands on you.

During one of our trips north, I experienced this after mentioning that my hand was a little achy. Turned out that Spiritual J had brought this cream with her that's supposed to be good for arthritis. So, she fetched it for me, but she didn't just hand me the jar; she opened the jar, scooped up a gob of the cream, then took my hand into both of hers and massaged the cream in. Something worked, and whether it was the cream or Spiritual J's application of it, I'm not sure.  

One night, when everyone else was asleep, Spiritual J and I sat outside, bundled in mittens and hats, peering out at the lake. Something came up about spirit animals and Spiritual J's belief that we don't just have spirit animals, we are spirit animals. Spiritual J said that when she wanted to know what spirit animal she was, she closed her eyes at bedtime and asked Papa to let her know come morning. 

The next day, as soon as Spiritual J opened her eyes, the word owl sprang to mind. When she searched the scriptures for owl, one thing she learned was that owls are guides, and she concluded that she was to help others coming to grips with their faith - or lack thereof. I climbed into bed that night, closed my eyes, and asked God to reveal the spirit animal I am.

In the morning, the first word that leapt to mind was bunny - not even rabbit - bunny. I snatched up my phone and googled the significance of rabbits in scripture. I would have searched bunnies in scripture, but that seemed juvenile even for a novice like me. 

I found a lot of references to cuds and clean versus unclean animals, and then I read that the Physiologus, a Greek text dating back to about 200 AD, depicted rabbits as creatures that seek safety on cliffs and mountains only to scurry back down, their stumpy front legs making them easy prey to anything wanting to pick them off.

"I'm a frickin' bunny!" I whispered to Spiritual J at breakfast. “Supposedly, I run up mountains and then I run back down, and then I get eaten because my front legs are too short." First of all, in my scriptural youth and inexperience, I failed to process the fact that the Physiologus isn't scripture, and even if it were, there are all kinds of ways to interpret it.

Not even Spiritual J could make me feel better about God calling me a bunny - or so I thought. But Spiritual J smiled.

"Maybe God is telling you that you run to Him, but then you run away. It's not necessarily a bad thing; it's just a human thing. Maybe God is telling you that He knows you struggle."

At least Spiritual J's owl didn't swoop down and pick my bunny off a mountain. But if it ever does, I'm sure it will be for my own good. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dumb Door-a

Doors can be dangerous. On their surface, they come off as silent stewards of privacy and sentries against intruders. At their most innocent, they make lovely additions to your home.
Image by Teece Aronin

But the reality of doors can be ominous. The other day, as I reached to push open the door of my doctor's office, someone tentatively opened then closed it from the other side. This tipped me off to open the door cautiously. Standing on the other side was a bespectacled lady in her eighties. We exchanged pleasantries as I swung the door wider and almost nailed another lady who looked a bit like the first and was at least as old.

"Whoops," I said. "Nearly got two for one!"  

One of the ladies commented that their placement, combined with my entrance, had indeed presented a rare opportunity for me, assuming I was in to little old lady tipping.

I once nearly got myself killed by my garage door, and I can think of at least one slasher movie where a teen was done in when the killer used one to crush her head against the door frame. For the life of me, I can't remember the exact circumstances around how my garage door almost did me in. All I remember was that the door was up and I needed to be both out of the house and leave the door closed. Who knows what had happened to the garage door opener. 

So I stood by the door that led to the kitchen, pushed the garage door button, and ran. The door began a rattly descent and a few feet from it I bent over and thrust myself beneath. Then I lost my balance. By the time I hit the ground I had picked up quite a bit of momentum and couldn't stop rolling until the tree in the front yard stepped up to help. 

Flash-forward twenty years and I'm at another door inside another garage leading into another kitchen. My son's in this house having just spent the night here with his friend, Giles and the home belongs to Giles' grandparents. The house is huge and so is the garage. There is a two-car garage door with a one-car garage door next to it. The two-car door is up and the one-car is down. 

I press what I think is the doorbell but the smaller garage door opens. I'm embarrassed and don't want Giles' grandparents to think I'm messing with their garage doors. I fumble for the button and press again. This time the big door goes down. I press the button yet again hoping both doors reopen but only the small one goes up. When I press one last time, the bigger door goes up, the smaller one lowers. 

I knock. 

"Those doors can be confusing," says Giles' grandfather, letting me in.

I like Giles' grandfather. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Some people say that when God closes a door, He opens a window. Now an atheist will tell you there is no God which would mean that if a door shuts, don't look at God. And for God sakes don't look at God to open any windows. 

So if there is no God, who does close our metaphorical doors and open our metaphorical windows? Beats me, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's one of those pesky gnats dive-bombing the human psyche - the gnats known as free will and fate. I'm not here to weigh in on either one other than to say I doubt both can exist - at least not simultaneously - and I have no idea which one does.

Anyway, one night I was out on a date with a man who was an atheist to his core. The very idea of God or religion filled him not just with disdain but with disgust. Even though we didn't see entirely eye to eye, he was such a bright man that I was enjoying his company just the same. 

He was tall, handsome, urbane and flawlessly articulate. He was as perfectly polished as the President's shoes except for the colorful discourse pouring from him on the topics of God and religion. Despite the fact that he was beginning to surmise I was too much of  a "believer," we were very much enjoying our talk. 

He turned to me where we were seated at the bar of a pricey little watering hole, pulled out his cell phone and asked if I'd like to see pictures of the renovations he was performing on his house. As he swiped through the photos, he explained the details as he went, finally stopping at a picture of beautiful mahogany-stained doors lying atop sawhorses.
"I'm installing these doors throughout the house," he said. As soon as I saw the picture, an evil troll banged a gong in my head.
"Did you know those are 'Christian doors?'" I asked, an innocent expression faked upon my face.

"I don't know what you mean," he said, gravely. Now, he was 6'2" and I'm 5'4", so one could say he really was looking down on me. 

"The doors you're installing; they're 'Christian doors,'" I repeated.

"No they are not," he replied emphatically.

"Oh, but they are," I chirped.

"No," he informed me as though addressing a well-meaning moron, "the correct term is 'six-panel doors.'"

"That may very well be, but they're also referred to as 'Christian doors,'" I explained. I honestly did like him and don't know why I wasn't behaving better. 
"Here, I'll show you," I offered. At this point I whipped out my own phone and Googled Christian doors.
"See? Look here," I invited. "Christian doors date back to the 1700s and are also known as 'frame and panel' or 'cross and bible doors.'"
I didn't even know they were called cross and bible doors until I read it to him and was practically giddy over it as I did. I could see him physically pull back and his posture grow stiff so I stuck my nose back into my phone - but continued:

"Okay, look. It says here that the configuration of the four panels on the bottom of the door creates the illusion of a cross. See? It's right there. It's so obvious when you know what you're looking for. And then, the two panels at the top represent an open bible, but actually, they make another cross too, don't they? Imagine that - two crosses on one door."
I looked up at him with the expression of an angel, which wasn't easy as it doesn't come naturally.   

"Well?" I asked, "Isn't that interesting?"

There was a long pause before he dryly remarked, "I am not going to let you ruin them for me."
And did I mention that his name was Christopher? It was, and may I be struck dead if I'm lying. 

Hand to God.